
Thursday, 17 January 2013

Lesson structure

This evening I have completed all three lesson structures. I have not yet put them in grid/table form but I have the structure ready to go...

My research, particularly from the book Learning To Teach In The Primary School  has helped me to formulate each lesson structure...

Rough Lesson Structure Session 1

Year: 5

Term: Spring

Key Stage: 2

Teaching Group 2a, Mrs Chapman

Curriculum Subject: Introduction to Ancient Egypt

Key Vocabulary: Egypt, The Nile, Red Land, Black Land, Pyramids

Learning Objectives:

Attitudes to show enthusiasm towards Egypt and eagerness to go on to the next session

Skills to be able to build a pyramid from paper straws and

Knowledge and Understanding that the Egyptians were reliant on The Nile for the yearly flood so the crops could get water and they could eat well.

Why the Egyptians built the pyramids and how they built them


This part 1 of a 3-part session, which will cover 3 lessons.

The children will be introduced to Egypt as a country, learning about The Red Land and The Black Land and the importance of The Nile.

Key Activities:

·      Intro PowerPoint (15mins) - Children will engage in a 15-20 minute interactive PowerPoint presentation

·      Activity 1 (15mins) – Challenge the children to create a pyramid from paper straws in 15 minutes. Children will be split into pairs

·      Activity 2 (20mins) – Egyptian Quiz Wordsearch – letters of broken words must be filled in and then found in the wordsearch

·      End of session (10 mins) – Encourage children to show the pyramids they have made and show and their understanding of why they have or haven’t worked


·      Use of a computer for PowerPoint purposes
·      Paper straws, scissors and Selotape for pyramid building, ruler and pencil for measuring (if desired)
·      Pyramid word search and Pyramid Quiz worksheet (combined – same activity)

Cross-curricular opportunities:

·      Geography
·      Art and craft
·      Maths
·      English/Spelling

Planned Method of Assessment:

·      Children’s knowledge and skills must show in results of craft based activities and worksheet challenges. 
·      Children will have the opportunity to show their skills in pyramid building and then present them to the class.
·      Showing success in completion of Quiz Wordsearch

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