
Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Looking into lesson plans

Looking into lesson plans has been vital in making sure I know the ways in which the class room works in terms of timings, structure, aims and outcomes.

Description: rkpseryj[1]
Belfield CP School
Lesson plan
Description: rkpseryj[1]

Year group
Lesson Length
Spring 1
2 Hours
1 of 6

Aims / Outcomes

Use different materials and techniques to paint.
Know about the artist Frank Stella, his techniques, art and his inspiration for the pictures.
Collectively produce a relief collage.

Key Vocabulary

Frank Stella
‘Materials’ and the names of the materials used.


Over the next two weeks tell the pupils that they will be producing a relief collage based on an artist called Frank Stella.
Give them the background on Frank Stella
  • That he lives in America, born in Massachusetts 1936
  • He is still alive

Main Activities

Tell the pupils that:
  • We will be looking at a certain type of painting he produced a number of years ago around 1970
  • His inspiration – Brazilian birds, with bright colours and the shapes of the birds outline, beak and eye.
  • That he does not produce pictures as they look, he takes different parts and muddles them around to make a collage – (describe collage) he then stacks the images on top of each other to make a piece of relief work. (describe relief)

Show the pupils various pictures that he has produced as a hard copy or on the IWB as a Powers Point Presentation.
Look in further detail at some of the shapes, how they have different textures.
Tell the pupils that we are going to create the different textures and styles using various materials and our hands with paint, we will then cut the shapes out next week again in the style of Stella and stick them onto the wall to produce a relief collage.

On the wall have a blank canvas for a number of pupils to use rollers and create the background for the collage.

Other pupils paint using various materials and techniques quickly demonstrated by the teacher/TA onto large sheets of paper shared between 3-4 children.


Quick recap on the class artist questioning pupils as to what they remember.  Question what they through about the various techniques, if they thought they looked attractive, why? If not, why? What techniques were hard to do, why?
Tell them that they will be continuing this work next week.

Assessment Evidence

Teaching Assistant
Various materials including sponge, cork and bubble wrap.
PPP of Pictures by Frank Stella

Q & A
Paintings and techniques used
Cross Curricular Links
SoW / NC ref and level


1a, b, 2a, b, 3a, b, 4a, b, c, 5a, b, c, d.

Q & A
Support given

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11.

I found this lesson plans to be very clear and helpful. I like its organisation, structure and layout. I’d like to include a lesson plan in my activity pack, which breaks down my sessions and pinpoints key areas so that as soon as a teacher opens the pack, its right in front of them and is very clear how the session is to be laid out. I like the way this lesson plan also has “Key Vocabulary” added to it. I think it’s important that the children leave the classroom and remember what they have learnt. I think having a key words section is a good way to fix in the teachers mind the words he or she must be putting across to the pupils. I also like the way it has a section for ‘cross curricular links’ to show other areas which have been incorporated into the particular lesson, allowing children to use other skills from other areas.

Another thing I like about these particular lesson plans is the structure. They have an introduction, a main activities section, which is clearly bullet pointed and a plenary. I feel that this will allow for better structure, organisation and time-keeping. Overall I think these lesson plans are broken down well and come across clearly. I think they should be so clear and understandable that another teacher could walk in, not know what it is the class are learning about, look at the lesson plan and have a clear understanding.

Actions – Organise my lesson structure into a format that is easily readable and understood by a practitioner. 

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